Honor and Remember - A letter from George

It is important to share that Honor and Remember, with your help, significantly advanced its mission to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our military fallen heroes and their families. Our message is simple and unchanging and can be summarized with four cornerstones: Establish, Educate, Present and Comfort. In this brief report you will read how each of these goals is being achieved.
Our mission to establish a national symbol of remembrance has been rewarded with nineteen states adopting the Honor and Remember Flag as their official emblem of remembrance: VA, NC, MD, DE, PA, NJ, SC, AZ, KS, LA, MO, OR, UT, OK, IN, TX, WI, SD and TN. At least twelve other states are currently working on legislation and we should see substantial progress in 2015. Our hope is that we will see more than half of the states in the nation embrace the message this year. Together we must continue to educate our citizens on the importance of remembering and recognizing sacrifice.
At the heart of the organization is the presentation of personalized flags to every family who has lost a loved one in military service. Last year, more than 360 personalized flags were presented across the country in many states by state chapter members and at key events, including major sports venues, concerts and church services, to name a few. Hundreds of families of the fallen from World War II to Vietnam to present day conflicts were honored this year. More than 60 flags were sponsored and presented through our partner Frontier Communications. Nevertheless, more than twelve hundred families are still waiting for their personalized flag as the list continues to grow.
Many events that were organized last year have enabled us to continue touching the lives of families and remembering their loved ones. The most notable examples are organized state Run for the Fallen tributes, yearly banquets and concerts. Last year marked our Fifth Annual Evening for the Families of our Fallen, with special guest Dennis Miller. This year, two additional state runs will be organized in Indiana and New York, adding to Virginia and Arizona.
Additionally, since 2012 we have designated the month of May as Honor and Remember Month, asking our nation to focus on recognizing liv es lost by means of tributes and events throughout the month, raising the consciousness on why Memorial Day exists. National press releases were sent and we began a campaign to solicit support from our chapter base, state representatives and media partners. This was very successful in 2014 for Honor and Remember Month, which included an unprecedented 100 flags flying at the NASCAR Charlotte Memorial Day weekend race. We will continue this May initiative and hope this designation will expand year after year and that many will embrace the importance of this effort.
We could not make such a significant impression without the dedicated men and women who carry the message as ambassadors and who volunteer in each state chapter. The impact they have on their state and their families of the fallen is immeasurable. With twelve existing state chapters we are making a substantial difference in touching lives. It is our goal to continue to add new chapters this year, on our way to growing awareness and promoting education in all fifty states. This is a serious commitment and we welcome qualified, passionate and dedicated patriots to join our team.
Last year we were proud to be named one of America's best military support charities and there are more tremendous partnerships and projects in the works for this year, including plans for many more flag presentations and amazing relationships that will enable us to honor more families than ever before. As 2015 goes into full swing, I ask for your continued support for our national effort to build public awareness of and appreciation for the sacrifices of our military fallen heroes and their families. The ways to help are simple.
Sign the Petition and be sure to encourage your family, friends and coworkers to do the same.
Fly the Flag - Express your appreciation for our fallen and their families by displaying the Honor and Remember Flag as a public symbol of thanks. Remember to replace faded or worn out flags regularly.
Support the Cause - Consider partnering with us financially, helping us in our ongoing effort with a one-time or monthly donation.
Thank you for continuing to support this national symbol of remembrance. Let's get this flag flying everywhere!
We need to continue reaching out to the hundreds of families who are awaiting a personalized Honor and Remember Flag. Please consider how you can help financially or assist us in identifying families and sponsors.
Please sign our Petition asking the Department of Defense, US Congress, and the President of the United states to establish a National Remembrance Flag. You can also order flags and merchandise from our website.