30th Annual Convention - 2014, Memphis, Tennessee

Reprinted with the permission of The Catoctin Banner.Jim has also agreed to have us publish his monthly articles. Thank Jim.
Jim Houck, Jr in Memphis, TnI was so excited when I received a letter from National Sons of AMVETS inviting me to our Annual National Convention being held in Memphis, Tennessee. I had always wanted to attend a National Convention, but it seemed like something always came up preventing it. I checked my calendar and it seemed that all the things I had booked for that time frame could be changed. I received a phone call from our Department of Maryland Sons of AMVETS commander, Ed Stely, and he asked if I would like to attend the convention and share a hotel room with him, as his wife, Carole, was unable to attend the convention. I said yes, I would be honored to attend and share a room. Ed said he would take care of all the arrangements necessary for our stay. He called me later and told me all arrangements were made and we would leave on August 9.
This past February and unknown to me, Tony Wivell, whom I consider a good friend, asked Deb Spalding, the owner and publisher of The Catoctin Banner, a community newspaper for which I write a column about veterans, if he could use my column’s space in March’s issue for a surprise story he had written about me. Deb told him yes and when the March edition came out, I looked for my veterans story as usual, but was very surprised when I read what was in my column.
I was so honored to find out they thought I was deserving of all the wonderful words written about me. I then received an email from Deb Spalding saying that she received an email from Dennis Solis, webmaster for National Sons of AMVETS web site, asking permission to use the story on the web site. Deb said she gave him permission and I opened the website and sure enough there it was.
I then got word that the story was being used in our national newsletter. I started receiving word from several places that I had been nominated for National Son of the Year 2014. I found this incredible, because I was awarded Son of the Year 2014 by AMVETS Post 7 and also Maryland State Son of the Year 2014 at our Maryland Convention. I was deeply honored to be nominated for National Son of the Year.
Finally it was August 9, and I was on my way to meet Ed at AMVET Post 10’s parking lot in Hagerstown, Maryland. Sons of AMVETS Squadron 7’s 1st Vice, and my good friend, Dick Fleagle, was my driver. Dick was using my vehicle to deliver me to meet Ed and his vehicle. We arrived around 5:15 a.m. and shortly thereafter Ed arrived. We transferred my luggage to Ed’s vehicle and exchanged goodbyes and safe trips with Dick and were on our way.
Ed and I made a few rest area stops and food stops on the way, but after 13 1/2 hours of driving, we arrived at our hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. We took our luggage to our room and we were tired from the drive, so we rested for about an hour before we went to find a place to eat supper. We returned to our room after a bite to eat and then settled in for the night.
The next day being Sunday, and registration not being until Monday, we decided to go to Graceland and take the tour. We met up with friends that were also there for convention and decided to go to Graceland together. Ed, Rusty Baker and his wife Joanne, Brenda Stauffer, and I, loaded up in Rusty’s van and he drove us to Graceland. I have to say I enjoyed everything there immensely, and I am sure all my friends did too. I know that Brenda enjoyed being there, because Ed and Rusty had to get on either side of her and escort her out of one of the gift shops. Even though it was time to leave, she did not want to go. When we got back and parked the vehicle, we went to our hotels to rest and then Ed and I found a place to have supper and then returned to the room to rest for Monday.
Monday morning, we received a phone call from Rusty wanting to know if we wanted to get some breakfast and do a little sightseeing before registration that afternoon. We met at their hotel lobby and decided to find breakfast on Beale Street, since we had heard how great the food was there. So we asked the lady at the information desk how to get to Beale Street. The lady said go six blocks up Main Street and we would find it. We walked and walked and figured we had walked at least six blocks but we hadn’t found it yet. A man on the street (we had been warned about the street people) approached us and asked if he could help us. We said we were looking for Beale Street and he said, well follow me as that is where I am heading now. We again walked and walked and finally we were there. The man then told us he was living on the streets and he said he needed a shower and it cost $7.00 at the mission, we said we didn’t have any money and he said ok and led us to a restaurant called Miss Polly’s. I saw Rusty walk over and slide him a few dollars and I did the same and he thanked me and off he went. We had breakfast at Miss Polly’s and it was great food and great hospitality. We then did some sight seeing on Beale Street and Brenda had to do some Elvis shopping. We returned back at our hotel in time to rest a little and then catch a late lunch and then head over to the convention center for registration. When we were done registering, we were told Tuesday was a free day and the National Auxiliary was sponsoring a trip on Tuesday to St. Jude’s Children Hospital and we could sign up to attend for $10.00 and that would go as a donation to St. Jude’s.
Ed and I signed on and when Tuesday came we loaded onto the bus for the tour. That was probably the best $10.00 tour I have ever taken.
We arrived at St. Jude’s and were directed to the welcome center and asked to look around and enjoy the architecture and information area until a guide was available to give us a tour of St. Jude’s Hospital. I took lots of pictures and I think I read all of the information about Danny Thomas and how he started St. Jude’s and why he started St. Jude’s. I was really wrapped up in the welcome center when our guide showed up. I have had experience with guides before and I just thought they were all the same, monotone drone-like voices who are only there to get the tour over with and collect their paycheck on pay day. I will never think they are all that way again. We had a guide who, I think, was proud to be a part of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and truly loved what she was doing. She had a vast knowledge of all phases of the operation of St. Jude’s. I thanked God for getting this guide, because we passed a few other guides and there it was, the drone and their eyes rolling up, as if saying why do I have to do this job. I am sure our guide did not even consider what she was doing as a job. Well, I will say I learned a lot about St. Jude’s that day and in this man’s opinion I think any child with a life threatening diagnosis needs to be referred to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
Wednesday morning, it was time for us to dress in our suits and patriotic ties and start our business meetings from 7:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. We then had two hours to go to our room and rest and then dress in casual attire for the banquet at 8:00 p.m. We enjoyed a dinner consisting of Bar-B-Q ribs and chicken with sides and dessert and open bar. The entertainment was an Elvis tribute and the Elvis look-alike did a good job. Brenda was in paradise trying to catch his sweat scarves and finally caught the last one he threw. We left the banquet around 10:30 p.m. satisfied with a good meal being well entertained.
Thursday morning, we were back in our suits and patriotic ties for an awards breakfast at 8:00 a.m. Sons of AMVETS Squadron 7 picked up some awards and Sons of AMVETS Squadron 9 picked up some awards. I heard the remark, I thought you would never stop accepting awards, from someone behind us. I was not awarded National Son of the Year, but was very honored to have been nominated.
A deserving Son from Florida received National Son of the Year 2014. We Attended a business meeting at 2:00 p.m. After the meeting, we went back to our room and changed and rested and then went to Westy’s for Bar-B-Q ribs and catfish. I think they have the best BAR-B-Q ribs and baked beans I have ever tasted. The catfish was very good, also, but I am partial to SOA Squadron 7’s fried catfish.
On Friday morning, we were back in our suits and ties attending business meetings. Afterwards, we rested and then went investigating more of Memphis and its charm. I took a lot of pictures of the parks and building in downtown Memphis and horse and buggies and of Beale Street establishments. I took pictures of sunsets and riverboats and barges and people, but when we visited Graceland, I forgot my camera and did not get any pictures of the mansion or contents therein. I hope Brenda will send me some picture of Graceland and I know she has plenty of them, because I don’t think she missed getting a shot.
Saturday morning, Ed and I dressed in our suits and patriotic ties for our last business session ending with the election of officers being held from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. We left the meeting and went back to the room and changed and decided to tour the parks and streets again ending up on Beale Street where got some lunch at Miss Polly’s and then made our way back to our room. We took our time getting ready for the Officers Dinner aboard the Riverboat Island Queen to begin at 7:00 p.m.
We had a great meal of Bar-B-Q ribs and chicken with sides and desert, I think that must be the standard banquet type meal in Memphis, and we were entertained by a group of musicians that were very talented. I went to the top deck a short time after I finished eating and enjoyed the night lights along the Mississippi River. After the fantastic meal and riverboat ride, Ed and I went back to the room and packed all our things except what we would need in the morning and loaded them in the car so we could get an early start in the morning.
Sunday morning, we left Memphis a little after 5:00 a.m. and about 13 1/2 hours later we were meeting Dick Fleagle, and after transferring my luggage to my vehicle and saying goodbyes and have a safe trips, I was on my way home.
I want to thank Ed Stely, Dick Fleagle, Department of Maryland Sons of AMVETS, Sons of AMVETS Squadron 7, and everyone else who made this adventure possible. I had one of the greatest times of my life and met some amazing people while enjoying myself so much. I am looking forward to next year’s National Convention being held in Birmingham, Alabama and I am hoping to take my wife, Joan, along to make up for not having her along to see her favorite star’s mansion, Graceland.
I would like to say in closing as usual: God Bless the United States of America and God Bless our American Veterans.