AMVETS Convention in North Dakota

On May15th National Officers Ken Barber and I (Mark Serpis) traveled to Fargo, North Dakota for their annual State Convention. We anticipated that we would be the only two Sons there. In past, Sons rarely attended the North Dakota convention. However, this year would be different. A new Squadron, ND-7, which was formed less than a month ago would be attending the convention.
Both Ken I and I were asked to talk at the Joint Opening. I brought greeting from the Sons of AMVETS National Commanders and Ken gave a brief over view of what the Sons can do for the AMVETS.
We met the Sons of AMVETS Commander Randy Sauvageau and Finance Officer Dave Knudson for Squadron 7 and the four of us headed back to the hotel to log on to our Website. Ken and I brought to their attention every aspect of the website. How they can access forms make request for PNC Projects funds and the matching grant form. I set them up with Bill Clemens, who showed them how to enter Project Reports. They were setup for online project reporting by the following Monday.
Randy and Dave took many notes. After working with them for a couple of hours, they felt like all their questions were answered. Our visit was very successful. It is our hope that National will continue to send Officers to follow up with this Squadron as they seemed very excited. Even thought they just started, they already have 22 plus members with more coming.