Sons Of AMVETS Online Project Reporting is here!

The Sons of AMVETS has released a new project reporting software that is more tailored to our needs. We would like to thanks the AMVETS organization for allowing us to use their project system for the last few years. Instead of going to the AMVETS web site or filling out all that paperwork and mailing it to the Department, you can now submit your project reports directly to the Sons of AMVET's Department and National using the new online reporting software. If you have previously save the AMVETS Project Reporting page as a Favorite, please change that page to the new Sons of AMVETS page.
If you are submitting your reports via paper, you might consider entering your reports online. This will save yourself some postage and a lot of time! Plus, you can obtain a report that show you where your Squadron stands.
Attached are two documents that will provide instructions for:
Creating an account on the SOA web site.
Entering project reports.
We have also added a user dashboard. When you log into the site, the dashboard is the first page that will appears when you login. It presents you with all of your data entry options and reports you can run. Your list of options are determined based upon whether or not you are an officer. Members have different options than squadron, department, or national officers. So when you create an account, it is CRITICAL that you indicate if you are an officer or not.
The dashboard will grow over time as new functionally is added to the site. You can click on any option that is in blue. Any text that is in black is a "place holder" for future options / enhancements.