Another successful trip to Washington DC to STORM the HILL. Led by Sons of AMVETS National Commander Harold Collins our contingent carried and delivered the AMVETS legislative priorities to EVERY Representative and Senator in Congress.
The AMVETS 4 core issues include: SUICIDE PREVENTION - improve identification & treatment. TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI)– increase awareness of mild to moderate TBI’s & behavioral after effects. TOXIC WOUNDS – seeking improvements to pre/post-deployment health monitoring. VETERAN TREATMENT COURTS (VTC) – to expand use of VTC’s for more outreach to justice involved veterans.
Commander Collins extends his thanks and gratitude for those of the AMVETS family who joined the Sons effort in advocating for our veterans. Your participation reinforces our commitment to every veteran, those on active duty and their families who have served and sacrificed to ensure our liberty.
SPECIAL THANKS to National Sons of AMVETS Legislative Director Doug Brown (OH) and Deputy Legislative Director Tracy Diggs (IN) for their pre-planning efforts and preparation for this “Bulldog” event.
Learn more by clicking on the Legislative Priorities tab.