Commander Barber's Memorial Day Message

AMVETS Family and Friends,
Over 1.2 million American heroes made the most absolute sacrifice to ensure our liberty. The staggering numbers are a stark reminder that freedom has a cost and as individuals we are forever indebted to all service men and women. As part of our civic duty it is fitting that on Monday May 27th, we celebrate Memorial Day to HONOR and REMEMBER those who paid the ultimate price.
President James A. Garfield said, "For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue."
The National Moment of Remembrance on Memorial Day is 3PM local time. I invite you join me and the over 20,000 members of Sons of AMVETS nationwide in spirit to pause and pay tribute to our nation’s fallen military members and remember the words in the inspirational Kohima Epitaph. "WHEN YOU GO HOME, TELL THEM OF US AND SAY, FOR YOUR TOMORROW, WE GAVE OUR TODAY.”
Have a safe Memorial Day and may God Bless America.
Ken Barber
National Sons of AMVETS