Thanksgiving Day Message

Greetings Fellow Sons, AMVETS family members, and friends,
Another Thanksgiving Day is upon us. It is a beloved holiday that is celebrated with festive meals at home and shared with family and friends. Our entire nation, home by home, creates and continues family traditions by celebrating and expressing gratitude for the bounties of nature provided by our Creator.
In President Eisenhower’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation in 1959 he stated “As a token of our gratitude for God's gracious gift of abundance, let us share generously with those less fortunate than we at home and abroad. Let us at this season of Thanksgiving perform deeds of thanksgiving; and, throughout the year, let us fulfill those obligations of citizenship and humanity which spring from grateful hearts.”
As each of us gather together, let us also in prayer and action give thanks to all veterans especially those in active service who are now separated from their families. May God bless them for their sacrifice to ensure freedom and liberty for all.
Happy Thanksgiving!
With warmest regards,
Ken Barber
National Sons of AMVETS