Veterans Day Message from Commander Barber

Fellow Sons, AMVETS family members, and friends,
“At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the guns fell silent and the First World War drew to an end. Ever since, Americans have set aside November 11th to honor our veterans whose footsteps set the pace of freedom's march.” (from President George H. W. Bush’s Veterans Day Address in 1979)
As all servicemen and servicewomen are so keenly aware, liberty has a price. Recognizing their sacrifice, Sons of AMVETS nationwide stand with a grateful nation to thank all veterans for their service and commitment to ensure the principles of freedom.
Also, from former President Bush’s same message he noted that “…. we take as our hope the prophecy of Isaiah, that “nations shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” And yes, we hope, we pray, that as the years progress, the face of war will recede into our distant memory. But the memory of our veterans and their sacrifice will never fade.”
May God bless our veterans, their families, and may God bless the United States of America.
Ken Barber
National Sons of AMVETS