Fellow Sons, This is to remind all that our Project Reporting year ends June 30th and we need your help. During the next 7 days please review your Squadron activity and submit any report. During the last few months many Sons have assisted their home Post by providing manpower/supplies for renovations, box lunches for those confined or in quarantine, did regular welfare check phone calls, delivered groceries, and transported many Vets to doctor appointments. These are all valid activities and can be reported. NO REPORT IS TOO SMALL. Project Reporting for 2019-2020 has been bittersweet. Collectively we have exceeded totals from last year and have recorded a 5.1% increase. Considering the national shutdown, Post closings, canceled events, and limited activity, our results are impressive. We can only speculate on the numbers had we been at full throttle since March. Please let your Squadron and Department members know that their efforts are appreciated and on behalf of the Veterans we serve, THANK YOU! "Sons Serving Veterans" is more than an organizational motto. It personifies each member's proactive dedication and commitment to those we have pledged to serve. I am confident, that with your assistance, we will close strong and lay the foundation for even greater achievements next year. Please contact me via text at 813-445-0253 if you need assistance. In Fellowship and Service. Mick Ciesla 2nd Vice Commander National Sons of AMVETS