The Sons of AMVETS in the “Pine Tree” state combined resources donated to Commander Eric Rodzen’s Project with funds from Past National Commander Ken Barber’s Project, Mission: Veterans Mobility, to provide DIRECT TO VET assistance to Rod Anderson. Rod is a Vietnam War Veteran and active AMVETS family member at his Post and in the Department.
Per Commander Rodzen, “… we received donations from individuals, multiple Squadrons and Posts from around Maine to support this effort.” Joined by his wife Denise, Commander Eric continually traveled to the Post, since June, holding raffles to generate the needed funds to purchase the mobility scooter. Commander Eric urges every Sons Department to consider participating in this program and added: “A mobility scooter helps improve the quality of life for the recipient. Rod is now looking forward to joining the Sons, in March, to STORM the HILL and deliver the AMVETS Legislative Priorities to all Maine representatives in the House and Senate.”
Applications for the program are available by visiting then click on the FORMS tab. The Veteran Scooter Program Application is in the category PROGRAMS.
Pictured left to right: Bill Dore, Dept. 3rd Vice Jeff Cote, National Commander, and Dept. 2nd Vice Richard Thibodeau, Dept. Commander Eric Rodzen, Judge Advocate & VAVS Coordinator Mike Cloutier, Dept. Finance Officer Jean Thibodeau, Dept. Provost Martial Ted Soucy, Dept Intermin 1st Vice & Chaplain Scott Isaac, and Veteran Rod Anderson in the Driver’s Seat of his new mobility scooter.