Attention all Sons,
Mission: Veterans Mobility is ready to implement distribution of scooters.
This program was designed to provide mobility assistance to our Veterans who cannot attain such assistance through the usual medical systems, VA Hospitals, Local Hospitals and other medical avenues.
To aid and assist Departments and Squadrons in attaining the level of starting their own Scooter Program I will provide 3- or 4-wheel Scooters at the cost of $500 per Scooter. The cost of Scooters is between $950 and $1050 depending on requirement of three- or four-wheel type, thus you will be providing part of the value of each Scooter. To apply for a Scooter each Department or Squadron is asked to provide $500 for each Scooter applied for, these funds can be attained by holding Post Dinners, BBQs, Raffles and other fund-raising means. Once you have the funds and have a veteran who requires a Scooter for transportation means; have them fill in the accompanying form and sign it. Once the form is filled out and signed by the Veteran, add a check from Dept. or Sqn. for $500 made out to “National Sons of AMVETS” with “Veterans Scooter Program” on the memo line. Send the application form, retaining a copy for your records, along with the check for $500 to Narcy Moran at Sons National HQ, address on application form. On receipt the application will be reviewed.
Once the application is accepted it will be forwarded, along with the funds for the Scooter, to Pierre at P&A Mobility. Pierre will then send, from a local storage facility within your area, the requested Scooter. The requested Scooter will be sent to the Department/Squadron address provided. The recipients will then assemble requested Scooter; this is quite straight forward and is easy to do. Then present it to the Veteran ether at the Post, the Vets home or other facility. The Scooter will not be delivered to a PO Box address; it must be a Post/Squadron address or a Sons home address.
Gentlemen, remember, this is a Sons Program; when filling out the Project Reporting Form do not forget your $500 donation, the total cost of Scooter, time to assemble, mileage to presentation, number of sons and hours for all participating and cost of food if provided etc. This is a sound program. The Sons Department of Florida has been doing this for some 14+ years. My hope is that other Departments and Squadrons will attain the same level of providing Scooters to veterans as Florida has. Gentlemen, this is not impossible if you only persevere. This is also the Department or Squadrons chance to start and keep this program as an annual affair. You will find it most rewarding as you continue our mission of “Sons Serving Veterans”.
If you need any other information, my phone number and e-mail address are below.
Yours in Service,
Ken Barber PNC
Immediate Past National Commander
National Sons of AMVETS
Phone #: 941-962-8420