Fellow Sons,
Margaret Mead said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
2020 was a very dynamic year. Despite cancellation of events, Post closures, individual isolation, postponements of civic events, undue stress, social distancing, and restrictions limiting our abilities to function, Sons of AMVETS nationwide stepped up, answered the call, and continued to live our mission of “Sons Serving Veterans”. In addition to many of our normal programs, not surprising, our efforts expanded. They included welfare checks on lock downed vets, delivery of meals, providing transport, install of accessibility ramps, chopping wood for home heating, labor for Post improvements, craft kit distribution, plus a plethora of other assistance that is too lengthy to mention here.
My compliments to every Son, Squadron, and Department for a job WELL DONE! All have performed admirably. Your actions reinforce your commitment and dedication to our organizational goals. You made a positive impact in lives of those we have pledged to serve. As we toast our unified achievements of the past year, let us eagerly embrace the opportunities that are offered in the New Year. May the new year bring all the good things in life you truly deserve. We had an amazing year. Let us come together and forge an even better 2021.
To our AMVETS Family members, all Veterans, those currently active, and Friends, on behalf of all Sons nationwide, we wish everyone a Happy and Safe New Year.
May God Bless you all and may God Bless America.
Richard H. Thibodeau - Commander
National Sons of AMVETS