Greeting Fellow Sons, AMVETS Family, and Friends,
Our National Convention in New Orleans was a genuinely exciting week.
My humble THANKS to the membership of Sons of AMVETS for having the confidence in me to serve as National Commander for 2022-2023. I look forward to representing you in the best traditions of our organization.
The resume of Sons of AMVETS is impressive. We help improve the quality of life to Veterans with our Direct to Vet programs, we are “Bulldog” advocates on Capitol Hill for veteran friendly legislation, we support our communities, and take pride in fulfilling our civic responsibility. Four decades of commitment is a testament to those in our ranks today and those of the past that built the foundation on which we stand.
During this year we will celebrate our 40th Anniversary. It will be a time to reflect on our accomplishments, accept new challenges, and create new opportunities to move forward and expand our endeavors. I am confident that side by side and with your help, we can do a little more and continue our mission of “Sons Serving Veterans".
With warmest regards,
Michael ‘Mick’ Ciesla - Commander
National Sons of AMVETS