New York Sons of AMVETS Squadron 1 obtains 288 Craft Kits for Bath VAMC Vets

Sons of AMVETS, Squadron 1 from Cuba, NY have supplied more than $6,700 worth of craft kits to the Veterans at the VA Medical Center in Bath, NY. 288 kits of leather goods, wood kits, and painting kits were supplied partially through a grant from Past National Sons of AMVETS Commander Daniel Briggs' Arts and Crafts Project. This program through the National Sons of AMVETS has $130,000 worth of kits for use by veterans in medical centers and state homes.
Pictured are Lynn Dinehart, Volunteer Services Manager, along with Sons of AMVETS Squadron 1 member Bill Clemens, displaying just a few of the 288 kits supplied to the veterans at Bath, NY Veterans Administration Medical Center.