The Sons of AMVETS Squadron 1-ME, an integral part of the AMVETS family of Post 1 in Biddeford, is organizing a golf tournament and is seeking hole sponsorships at a cost of $50.00 per hole. All sponsors will have a sign set up at a hole or holes for all to see.
The Golf tournament will be held on Sunday August 30, 2020 at the Dutch elm Golf Course in Arundel Maine.
National Sons of AMVETS Commander Richard H. Thibodeau selected Help Heal Veterans as his project this year. Therefore, our charity recipient is Help Heal Veterans (HHV). HHV provides FREE therapeutic arts and craft kits to veterans and active duty military members. Craft kits assist those injured or recuperating and improves fine motor skills, helps manage stress, and increases the ability to cope with symptoms of PTSD and TBI, while improving their sense of self-esteem and overall physical and mental health.
For more information please contact Butch Laroche at 207-590-2137, Mark Fortier at 207-499-2552, or Faedra Binette at 207-590-5779.
Donations can be mailed to Sons of AMVETS, 146 Alfred St, Biddeford, ME, 04005. Please make checks payable to Sons of AMVETS and put HHV Project on the memo line.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.
Respectively in Service,
Officers and Members of Squadron 1-ME