Sons of AMVETS, Family and Friends,
On this day, we honor the service and the memories of those who have served in our armed forces, with the most heartfelt and sincere gratitude. It is great to designate a day to honor the living and commemorate the ones who gave it all at Valley Forge, Iwo Jima, Chosin Reservoir, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the all the battlefields around the world where our soldiers have fought for America’s freedom and security.
While a day of remembrance is noble, admirable, and fitting, we must honor our Veterans today and every day. As the National Sons of AMVETS Commander and on behalf of all Sons of AMVETS, we want to thank all Veterans present and past for your service and dedication to our country and preserving our freedoms.
In the words of the great Charlie Daniels… “I am firm in my belief that the only two things that protect America are the grace of Almighty God and the United States Military.”
Yours in service,
Paul R. Speigle, Commander
National Sons of AMVETS