UNCLE SAM color images

ALL Squadrons, Department Commanders, 1st Vice Commanders, & Fellow Sons,

A number of Posters aimed at advertising the Sons of AMVETS and helping at all levels to pull in renewals and help with New Membership drives are now available. I would ask that you take a look at these and utilize them as necessary; they may be of help to you if placed in a prominent place.

I would also ask that each Squadron, where possible, and each Department hold a Life Membership Raffle, this would help the Squadrons and Departments increase their Life Members and help to expand our Life Membership Fund in a quicker manner. To hold a Life Membership Raffle have 100 tickets printed, sell said tickets to Sons members at $5/ticket. When all tickets are sold pull a winner and purchase a Life Membership; put the remainder of the money in the Squadron/Department coffers, a winning proposition all around. Alternatively if you are a smaller Squadron sell the tickets to all members of the AMVETs Family and buy the winning individual the appropriate Life Membership. In either case if the winner is a Life Member they may donate the membership to another AMVET Family Member.

​You may click on the links below or visit the "FORMS" page to download and print the flyer that best serves your needs.

Gentlemen, I wish you good fortune in your membership endeavors and if I can be of help in any way please contact me.

Yours in Service,

Ken Barber - 1st Vice Commander

National Sons of AMVETS

