Sons National Commander’s Christmas Greeting

AMVETS Family Members and Friends,
On behalf of the membership of the Sons of AMVETS I would like to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.
As Chief Executive in 1944, Franklin Delano Roosevelt began the tradition of addressing the nation during the holiday season. He said: “In every generation the burden of protecting liberty has fallen to a few stouthearted men. We Americans celebrate this holy season in liberty because our forebears had the courage, the determination, the will to sacrifice, that was equal to the challenges before them.” Those words are as true today as they were over 70 years ago.
As you all gather together with your families and friends during Christmas, I ask that you join with over 22,000 Sons of AMVETS to remember all our veterans who have served our nation so selflessly. We also ask that you join us in prayer remembering those currently on active duty and their families who are home without their loved ones during this Holy and Festive Season. Our hope is that they will be reunited soon to share the message and meaning of Christmas together.
May everyone experience the mystery, wonder and joy of the day and again, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
With warmest regards and blessings for the season.
Ken Barber
National Sons of AMVETS