Vietnam Veteran John Hawkins served as Commander of AMVETS Post 274 in Carlisle, PA in 2017-2018. In May 2019, Commander John suffered a stroke. Presently he resides in the Middleton Home in Middleton, PA.
The membership of Sons of AMVETS, Squadron 274 wanted to do something for all Vets at the Middleton Home, including Commander John. Squadron 274-PA took advantage of an SOA Past National Commander’s Program, “Sweats for Vets”, and with added Squadron funds, purchased sweatshirts and sweatpants for each residing Veteran. On Thursday, February 20th the Sweats were delivered to the happy surprise of Commander John and his comrades.
To commemorate the effort, a poster is prominently displayed of the effort in our Post. The pictures of Commander John and the Veterans serve as a reminder of our organization’s motto – “Sons Serving Veterans”.
The proactive project was a huge success. Squadron Commander Daniel R. Leopardi added, “You can see by the photo, our good friend, Commander John, was happy to see us and receive the Sweats.”
Pictured (L-R): 2nd Vice Commander William Brown, new Squadron 274 member Rich Etter, John Hawkins PPC, and Squadron Commander Daniel R. Leopardi