Fellow Sons,
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others” – Cicero
In this season of gratitude, I want to say how deeply thankful I am to serve alongside every member of Sons of AMVETS. America has produced men such as yourselves who volunteer to serve our Veterans and our country despite the sacrifices that service requires. Throughout the year, you commit yourselves to our mission of “Sons Serving Veterans” - not for personal gain, but to contribute and make a difference in the lives of our Veterans, those currently serving, and their families. Please accept my thanks for your dedicated service.
As you gather around the Thanksgiving table, remember our Veterans. Their courage and patriotism secured our liberty so we can celebrate this day. Pray for those deployed so they may safely return home and rejoin their loved ones. And to all the families of those in active duty, we are forever indebted to your sacrifice.
To the entire AMVETS Family and our friends, on behalf of Sons of AMVETS nationwide I would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
May God bless you all and may God bless America!
With warmest regard,
Michael ‘Mick’ Ciesla - Commander
National Sons of AMVETS