Dept of VA's Convention

Commander Briggs requested that I attend the Department of Virginia Convention on June 12th and 13th 2015. I drove into Roanoke, VA around midday on Friday where I met up with PNC Jon Keith.
Jon is still very active within the Department of Virginia. They have some hard working sons helping out at the convention. The hospitality room had some great food that the Ladies Auxiliary supplied. I a lot of great Sons, AMVETS, and Auxiliary members that evening.
On Saturday morning they had a moving Memorial service. After the Memorial service, we headed to the Son’s meeting. Sons Department Commander Randolph Scott conducted a very good meeting. The Department Officers and Squadron Commanders had some great reports on membership, project reporting and fundraising.
I had the honor addressing the floor on behalf of National Headquarters and Commander Briggs. I reported to everyone Commander Briggs project for this year, freedom cash raffle, membership, project reporting and National Convention T-Shirts I had with me for sale. That afternoon we visited a post near the Convention sight. And on Saturday night I had the privilege attending the Commanders Banquet.
I had a great time visiting the Department of Virginia Convention. I would like to thank Commander Briggs for allowing me to represent him in VA and I would like to thank AMVETS Commander Rick VanNorton, Auxiliary President Betty Sue Sink, sons Commander Randolph Scott, PNC Jon Keith and all the Department of Virginia AMVETS Family for their hospitality. I had a great time.
Harold Collins
Sons of AMVETS
National 3rd vice Commander
God Bless our Veterans and the men and women Serving our Country!