Department of New York Sons of AMVETS, veteran volunteers, and community organizations were asked to provide assistance as a community service at the 7th Annual Veterans Stand Down on September 25, 2015 at the Northport VA Medical Center. The Northport VAMC sponsored this bi-annual event to help homeless, at risk for homelessness, and Veterans in need of assistance. 73 federal, state, county, and local human services agencies were present to assist Veterans in need of health, employment, financial, housing, educational, and VA Benefits. In addition, a meal and hair cut station were available as well as two local food pantries (Island Harvest & Long Island Cares) and a clothing closet to all Veterans in attendance. Furthermore, 176 Veterans in need of assistance were helped by those in attendance. If interested in more informationregarding the Veterans Stand Down please contact Nicholas Lomabardi at 261-4400 ext 5652. Please be advised that the Northport VMAC has another Stand Down scheduled for the spring 2016. Details of the event will be forthcoming.
If your group or organization is interested in learning more about the Suffolk Independent Living Organization (SILO) contact Joe Delgado at 631-880-7929, Touro Law Services contact Ken Rosenblum at 631-761-7001, United Veterans Beacon House contact Frank Amalfitano 631-665-1571, Suffolk County Veteran Services contact Tom Ronayne at 631-853-8387, Concern for Indpendent Living contact A. Gappa at 631-758-0474, the Salvation Army at Northport VA contact Lisa Rehnberg at 631-262-0601, NY Legal Assistance Group contact Kevin Kenneally at 212-613-5081, and Services for the Underserved contact Roger Leathers at 631-227-0777.
Pictured are the Northport VAMC employees that staffed and coordinated the Stand Down. Thy are joined by AMVETS Post 48, Post 88 including Department of New York Commander Rick DeJesu, Post 18, Post 111, and American Legion Post 155 volunteers including members of the Ladies Auxiliary and the Sons. Agency representation in the photo include Suffolk County Veterans Services, Suffolk Independent Living Organization (SILO), Salvation Army, Touro Law Services, United Veterans Beacon House, Concern for Independent Living, Services for Underserved, Beacon House, and Suffolk County Veterans Services.
(article submitted by Patrick Mitchell, Commander, Sons of AMVETS Department of New York)