Message from National Commander David T. Strittmather - Office Move Status

Greetings Members, Officers, and AMVETS Family, I am pleased to announce that we are now in the new office located within the National AMVETS building in Lanham, Maryland. Immediate Past National Commander Dan Briggs and I recently spent 3 days, October 4th though the 7th at the office to assist with arranging furniture, connecting equipment, and organizing. We still have a little bit of work to complete before we say the move is complete and I assure you we are working very hard to complete those tasks and put the move behind us. Our new phone number is 301-683-4099 and our fax number is 301-683-3099. Please send all male to:
National Sons of AMVETS
4647 Forbes Blvd
Lanham, MD 20706
Please welcome Ramona Joyner, our new Administrative Assistant to the organization. Ramona started back in August. She did attend the National Convention in Birmingham, Alabama and our first Executive Board Meeting in Muncie, Indiana. This gave Ramona the opportunity to spend time with Martie for training and review of some procedures. There are many tasks to master in her new responsibilities with the National Sons of AMVETS including learning about the organization. In working with Ramona for those 3 day in October, I am confident that she will soon be up to speed with processing membership and meeting the objectives of the National Sons of AMVETS. Keep in mind that this will take time and each month will bring new challenges as we prepare for our events, meetings, and convention. Ramona may be reached at the numbers above or via her email
All the forms requiring an update to the office move will soon be on the website. We will put a notice on the home page once these updates are complete.
Sons Serving Veterans
David T. Strittmather
National Sons of AMVETS Commander