Department of Florida Sons Continue DIRECT to VET Assistance

After recent surgeries, Marine Corps Veteran Dale Reed was in need of mobility assistance. On January 31, 2016 the officers of the Department of Florida Sons of AMVETS, and on behalf of the statewide Sons membership presented a mobility scooter to the AMVETS Post 32 member in Lakeland, Florida. This DIRECT to VET program is an ongoing assistance effort providing mobility so our Veterans can more easily maintain and continue their daily activities.
Attendees also included numerous Post 32 AMVETS family members from the Vets, Auxiliary 32, and Squadron.
The photo shows Mr. Reed in his scooter along with (L to R) Bill Gerry - National SOA VAVS/Dept. of Florida 1st Vice Commander, Duff Taylor - Commander SOA Dept. of Fl, Mick Ciesla - National SOA Webmaster/Dept. of FL 2nd Vice Commander, Nate Weustoff - Dept. of FL PRO/Historian Squadron 32 Commander, Ken Barber - SOA National 3rd Vice Commander/IPDC Dept. of FL, Charlie Summerall - PNC/PDC/JA Dept. of FL, Pete Capua - PDC Dept. of FL, and Mike Storm - Finance Officer Dept. of FL