AMVETS Diabetes Research - Commander's Project

The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) reports that nearly one in four men and women (24 percent) who served their country have diabetes.This includes my father and why I have selected AMVETS Diabetes Institute as my Commander's Project. To raise funds for the project and to draw attention to the fact that in many ways, we have it backwards in how we care for our Veterans, I will be running/walking backwards in the 5K event held on April 23, 2016 at Ohio University in the Race For A Reason. You can help by sponsoring me in this event or by making a donation to the Sons of AMVETS National Commander's Project. Please send your donation to National Sons of AMVETS, 4647 Forbes Blvd, Lanham MD, 20706 or contact me directly at for additional information.
Donations may also be submitted by visiting:
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.
David T. Strittmather
National Sons of AMVETS