Commander's Campaign Motivating Others

National Sons of AMVETS Commander David T. Strittmather’s strong campaign to bring awareness to the suicide rate of our veterans is motivating others to join the effort. This includes the Commander’s daughters Ciara and Shea.
As CHAARG (CHANGING HEALTH, ATTITUDES, ACTIONS TO RECREATE GIRLS) members, Ciara and Shea have challenged their membership to get active. The recent CHAARG newsletter included Ciara and Shea’s challenge message:
22 Pushups every day to raise awareness for Veteran's Suicides [see what Ciara and Shea Strittmather's dad is doing + read more about it start crankin' out those push ups!!
Log them on insta + use the #22KILL + #virtCHAARG!
A special THANK YOU to Ciara and Shea for joining the march!!