Congratulations to the elected officers of National Sons of AMVETS 2016-2017
Commander Mark Serpis (MA)
1st Vice Harold Collins (KY)
2nd Vice Ken Barber (FL)
3rd Vice Richard Thibodeau (ME)
Finance Officer PNC Dan Briggs (FL)
Judge Advocate PNC Dave Spencer (MA)
Provost Marshal Richard Hines (PA)
Immediate Past Cmmndr Dave Strittmather (OH)
Appointed Officers for 2016-2017 include
Chaplain Patrick Holcombe (FL)
VAVS Coordinator Bill Gerry (FL)
Legislative Director Doug Brown (OH)
Asst Legislative Director Tracy Diggs (IN)
PRO PNC Don Finnegan (IN)
Historian Walt Starrett (IN)
Jr AMVETS Coordinator Paul Spiegle (OH)
Inspector General PNC Charlie Summerall (FL)
Sons Coordinator Rob Quick (MO)
Webmaster Mick Ciesla (FL)
Best wishes to all as you continue your mission of "SONS SERVING VETERANS"