Commander's Veterans Day Message
Ronald Reagan may have encapsulated Veterans Day best with this statement: “We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty, though it never was. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause.”
On behalf of the Sons of AMVETS nationwide I would like to extend a most heartfelt THANK YOU to the millions of Veterans nationwide and across the globe who have served so that this generation and those to follow may enjoy the freedoms and liberties of our country.
Although the debt owed every man and women who served can never be fully repaid, please know that your sacrifices in service are a source of inspiration to our membership as we continue our mission of “Sons Serving Veterans”. Our respect for every Veteran cannot be stronger nor our appreciation greater.
May God Bless every Veteran and may God Bless the United States of America.
Mark Serpis
National Sons of AMVETS