Commander Serpis Visits Hawaii

National Sons of AMVETS Commander Mark Serpis along with AMVETS Auxiliary National President Evelyn McElvin joined Nationl AMVETS Commander Harold Chapman on the Commander's annual visit to Hawaii. The trip included stops at the the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency for a briefing with Deputy Director Brigadier General Mark Spindler plus excursions to the USS Arizona Memorial and the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl), Hawaii which included wreath laying ceremonies to honor and remember the gallantry, courage, and sacrifice of the American heroes who served in the Pacific theatre.
One of the many memorable encounters during the visit was meeting 96 year old Pearl Harbor Survivor Al Rodrigues. (L- R) Ladies Auxiliary PNP Heidi Serpis, Veteran Al Rodrigues, and Sons of AMVETS National Commander Mark Serpis.
Other photos can be viewed by visiting the National Sons of AMVETS Facebook page at: