Special Message from Commander Mark Serpis

It was an honor to be elected as National Commander of Sons of AMVETS 2016-2017. I look forward with great anticipation of working with my fellow officers and comrades nationwide to further the Aims and Purpose of our organization. We will continue our commitment to the AMVETS family, our communities, and country.
National headquarters in Lanham, MD is up and running and a special welcome to our new Administrative Assistant Narcy Moran. I would also like to thank PNC David Spencer for his time as our interim Administrative Assistant and ensuring a smooth transition.
My project for the year is the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. Many Veterans are exposed to gastrointestinal infections from food or water among other environmental factors. The Department of Veteran Affairs reports that there is a high rate of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans experiencing irritable bowel syndrome and other G.I. disorders. Currently there is no cure for I.B.S. disorders. Let’s work together for a cure and delete one illness for our veterans. In the months ahead more details will follow on how you can support my Commander’s Project and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America.
Mark Serpis
National Sons of AMVETS