Scooter Presented to Korean era Veteran

Sons of AMVETS Department of Florida continues their DIRECT to VET activities by presenting another scooter to Korean era veteran Mr. Jack Messmore. Mr. Messmore is one of 30 veterans this year that has benefitted from this statewide program to increase mobility options and enhance the quality of life of our vets.
Owner Pierre Choueifati of Mobility Express in Bradenton Florida was also recognized with a special Certificate of Appreciation for his continued aid, support, and assistance to the Sons of AMVETS Scooter Program.
Pictured around Mr. Jack Messmore from (L – R): Ed Adams - FL Dept. Historian, Mick Ciesla - National Sons Webmaster/FL Dept. 1st Vice Commander, Bill Gerry - National Sons VAVS Coordinator/FL Dept Commander, Pierre Choueifati - Owner Mobility Express, Terry Corson - AMVETS Dept of FL 1st Vice Commander, PDC Ken Barber – National Sons 2nd Vice Commander/FL Dept. Scooter Chairman, PDC Mike Marecek - FL Dept Inspector General, & PNC Dan Briggs – National Sons Finance Officer/FL Dept. VAVS Coordinator