Many Squadrons across the country have taken advantage of P.N.C. Daniel K. Briggs’ Commander’s Project. The Arts and Craft Kit program is a DIRECT TO VET effort to provide free therapeutic craft kits. The kits have helped traumatized vets improve their motor skills, while also developing better feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. Per Help Heal Veterans the kits help veterans take their minds out of the past and off their pain, letting them live more in the present.
The collective effort of Sons of AMVETS nationwide helped deliver 6,000 + kits to our veterans. This proactive approach was so noteworthy that Help Heal Veterans has named Sons of AMVETS the 2016 “Partner of the Year”.
The entire press release can be viewed at:
Help Heal Veterans CEO Joe McClain commented: “The ‘Sons of AMVETS’ has been an incredible collaborator with HV this year. It is organizations like theirs who are dedicated to helping serve others that enable us to assist so many veterans across the country.”
Information regarding this project is available on the right side of the National Sons of AMVETS page.