Commander's Easter Message

On behalf of the Sons of AMVETS nationwide I would like to extend greetings to all in the AMVETS family, our friends, and veterans who are observing Easter.
As President George Bush stated in 2002 “The life and teachings of Jesus have inspired people throughout the ages to strive for a better world and a more meaningful life. Jesus' death stands out in history as the perfect example of unconditional love."
"Easter's message of renewal is especially meaningful now during this challenging time in our Nation's history. On September 11, 2001, America suffered devastating loss."
"In the wake of great evil, however, Americans responded with strength, compassion, and generosity. As we fight to promote freedom around the world and to protect innocent lives in America, we remember the call of the Battle Hymn of the Republic: "As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free."
To all currently deployed worldwide, our most humble thanks for your service.
To all, Happy Easter.
Mark Serpis
National Sons of AMVETS