In Paris Tennessee at the Sgt. Michael H. Ferschke Jr. AMVETS Post 22 of Blount County, Post Commander Mark Frederick administered the oath of office to the members of the newly formed Sons of AMVETS Squadron 22-TN. Congratulations to each member of Squadron 22 who has now become united with over 22,000 Sons nationwide to continue the mission of “Sons Serving Veterans”.
National Sons of AMVETS 1st Vice Commander Harold Collins was in attendance to present the Squadron Charter to Squadron 22 Commander Jonny Hanley. 1st Vice Commander Collins commented, “It is always an honor to participate in the installation of a new Squadron. The excitement and enthusiasm of the Squadron members and entire AMVETS family of Post 22 is remarkable. Welcome Aboard Squadron 22”
The Post was named after Sgt. Michael H. Ferschke, a 2003 graduate of Maryville High school who gave his life in service to his country on Aug. 8, 2008, in Iraq. The Post requested the number 22 to honor the 22 veterans who commit suicide each day and Sgt. Ferschke who was 22 when he made the ultimate sacrifice.