Veterans’ Appreciation and Craft Kit Day


On Saturday, 13 May, the Sons of AMVETS Department of Florida visited Quantum Leap Horse Farm for the third time this year; sponsoring and helping with “Veterans’ Family Appreciation Day”.  The veterans and their families were all from MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, and covered all five branches of the service.  The SOA Department officers and wives helped with the cooking, horse walking and various other tasks including dispensing craft kits to Veterans and their families; this was accomplished with the help of Michael “Coop” Cooper, the local HHV (Help Heal Veterans) Rep.  Some 400 kits were dispersed, a very rewarding and successful day of Direct to Veterans….. contact with currently serving and retired Veterans and their families.


Quantum Leap Farm is a therapeutic horse farm providing riding lessons and farm experiences for both children and adults, both service and civilian.  The farm also has a range of other animals for the children to interact with, even a horse that does not mind being finger painted, if carrots are available.  The SOA Department of Florida has, on the past visits, presented Quantum Leap with two all-terrain wheel chairs to be used by handicapped participants enabling them to ride around and enjoy the farm and its amenities.


Ken Barber

PRO/ Scooter Chair

SOA Department of Florida