Commander Collins' Christmas Message

Fellow Sons, AMVETS family members, and friends,
I would like to extend my best wishes to everyone who is celebrating Christmas.
Ronald Readan may have expressed it best when he said: "For more than just a day, Christmas is a state of mind. It is found throughout the year whenever faith overcomes doubt, hope conquers despair, and love triumphs over hate. It is present when men of any creed bring love and understanding to the hearts of their fellow man."
"...Let us resolve to honor this Spirit of Christmas and strive to keep it throughout the year."
As you gather with family and friends , I would ask that you also remember our veterans and the brave men and women currently serving. We are thankful for their service and for the sacrifice and support of their families.
May God bless you all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
With warmest regards,
Harold Collins
National Sons of AMVETS