Veterans Day Message from Commander Collins

Fellow Sons, AMVETS family members, and friends,
Veterans Day is set aside to honor and thank all veterans for their service to our country. The commitment and dedication of veterans can be found in their branch mottos. “This We’ll Defend” - Army, “Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful) - Marines, “Honor, Courage, Commitment” – Navy, “Aim High” “Fly, Fight. Win” - Air Force, “Semper Paratus” (Always Ready) – Coast Guard. For many, their service motto was also their life’s inspiration.
But who are these men and women? They are moms and dads, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, grandparents, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. They are faces you see every day and come from all walks of life. Yet all shared a common belief. They were part of something greater than themselves. They felt liberty, freedom, and justice were more than words but an integral part of the fabric of humanity and the foundation upon which the United States was created.
On Veterans Day 2017 I ask that you join me in thanking our veterans for their love of country, willingness to serve, patriotism, and sacrifice for the common good. A grateful nation recognizes your contribution to our security at home and your efforts abroad.
God Bless you all and God Bless America.
Harold Collins - Commander
National Sons of AMVETS