SPECIAL UPDATE - 2017 AMVETS Legislative Priorities

To all Sons of AMVETS nationwide: Single page Fact Sheets on the 2017 AMVETS Legislative Priorities regarding Complimentary & Alternative Medicine, Toxic Wounds, Service Dogs, and Mental Health have been added to the wewbsite. As time permits, please review prior to "Storm the Hill". Additional information will be available during our orientation meeting on Tuesday March 7th.
Remember, YOUR VOICE can make an impact on issues important to veterans. AMVETS works to keep you informed and it is easy to take action on issues. Your legislators do care about what their constitients think - your input can make a difference! As time permits please review the AMVETS Legislative Priorities and contact your representatives to let them know you support the legislation. Your efforts are another example of how we continue our mission of "Sons Serving Veterans".
The entire Legislative Priorities list is available for download through the FORMS tab
You can also visit: http://www.amvets.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2016_legislat... to view the entire 2016 -2017 National Legislative Priorities.