Squadron 48-NY Spearheads Toy Drive

On December 11 members of Sons of AMVETS Squadron 48 gathered at Post 48 to wrap toys that would be donated to the children of Air National Guard Members serving at the Air National Guard Rescue Wing based at Frances Gabreski Airport located in Westhampton Beach, NY. The Sons used fundraising monies to purchase toys for the children and were by Ladies Auxiliary 48 members as well as vets of Post 48 with the wrapping of the toys. This donation was initiated because Squadron 48 Sons wanted to thank the Air National Guard for the service that they are providing to our country.
The Air National Guard 106 Rescue Wing deploys worldwide to provide combat search and rescue coverage for U.S. and Allied Forces. The 106 Rescue Wing are a World-Class Team of diverse, adaptable personnel recovery focused war fighters. Their mission is to provide Worldwide Personnel Recovery, Combat Search and Rescue Capability, Expeditionary Combat Support and Civil Search and Rescue support to Federal and State Authorities. They also provide Personnel Recovery to the State of New York and deployed operations that they are tasked to support.
The Air National Guard’s Federal Mission is to maintain well trained, well equipped units available for prompt mobilization during war and provide assistance during national emergencies (such as natural disasters and civil disturbances). During peacetime, the combat ready units and support units are assigned to most Air Force Major Commands to carry out missions compatible with training, mobilization readiness, humanitarian and contingency operations such as Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
If interested in more information about the Air National Guard 106 Rescue Wing please Google 106 Rescue Wing
Pictured are the AMVETS family members of Squadron 48, Auxiliary 48, and vets of Post 48 during the wrapping session.