Commander Barber's Easter Message

AMVETS family members, and friends,
On behalf of Sons of AMVETS I send greetings to those observing Easter. Easter is the most important event of the Christian faith. Its significance is eternal and universal. It is a day with profound elements of faith and mystery, when people across the country and around the world join with family and friends to celebrate the Resurrection and the hope of life to come.
In 1983 President Ronald Reagan responded to a letter from children hoping for freedom, justice, and peace. His reply is worth sharing.
“Nearly 2,000 years after the coming of the Prince of Peace such simple wishes may still seem far from fulfillment, but we can achieve them. We must never stop trying.”
“A generation of Americans now growing up in schools across our country can make sure the United States will remain a force for good, a champion of peace and freedom as their parents and grandparents before them have done,”
“And if we live our lives and dedicate our country to truth, to love and to God we will be a part of something much stronger and much more enduring than any negative power here on Earth. That’s why this weekend is a celebration and why there is hope for us all.”
This Easter season join me and Sons of AMVETS nationwide in praying for peace, wisdom, and resolve. May this holy time of love and sacrifice inspire and renew us with an assurance of hope and everlasting joy.
Best Wishes for a Happy Easter.
Ken Barber
National Sons of AMVETS