CHECK A VET - Membership Action Is Needed

Fellow Sons, “Stay at Home” directives combined with Post closings has impacted and isolated many Veterans and AMVETS family members. Limited social contact can lead to loneliness, low self-esteem, and fear of the unknown. Experts agree that social interaction is vital to maintain physical and mental health. Government, along with the media, seems to advocate passive behavior. However, as Sons, we take pride in our proactive policies to assist all Veterans. With an uncertain end date to our limited travel and imposed social distancing, it seems obvious that our nationwide membership has the opportunity to provide a positive impact. Effective immediately, I encourage every Squadron to initiate a “CHECK A VET” PROGRAM. The scope of “CHECK A VET” can be unlimited. Begin with welfare check phone calls to Vets from your Post. A call takes little time. If needed, a Post Officer should be able to provide the contact information. Reach out to other Vets in your neighborhood. If you have the address, send an email. Reach out to AMVETS family members. More assistance examples include picking up daily needs, delivering box lunches or dinners, offering transportation for doctor visits, and providing Arts and Craft kits from Help Heal Veterans. Sons participation hours, mileage, activity costs, and/or donations in “CHECK A VET” are valid and details can be submitted as a project report. We have all heard “NEED SOMETHING DONE, ASK A SON”. I invite every member to join me and help get it done as we live and continue our mission of “Sons Serving Veterans”. In Fellowship and Service, Richard H. Thibodeau Commander National Sons of AMVETS