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My Fellow Sons, 
At this time of year, as our States are beginning the slow process of mass vaccination and reopening of our economies and thus allowing meetings to happen, I thought I might get out ahead of one question I know I will be getting somewhat frequently over the next 3 months.
Article VI, Section 6c (Departments), Article VII, Section 2c (Districts), Article VIII, Section 3f (Squadrons) all restrict the Commanders at those levels to 2 terms in office, which usually means 2 years in office.  Most parts of our organization, however, did not hold elections in 2020.
My ruling, therefore, is this: For any member who was elected at your annual meetings and State Conventions held in May and June of 2019, and then served without a new election being held since that time (due to not having a State Convention in 2020, etc.), this shall count as ONE term.  Therefore, if a member was first elected in 2019 and served for 2 years without a new election being held, they are eligible to run again for a second term starting in 2021.
David Spencer
Judge Advocate
National Sons of AMVETS